
Showing posts from December, 2023

Ideas regarding ways to motivate kids to be progressive and innovative in the current era of social media influence

  In the modern social media-influenced world, raising children to think progressive and independently calls for a deliberate and considered strategy. As parents, we recognize its significance, but we sometimes struggle with putting it into practice. Here are some suggested tactics to make it easy and realistic: -Although social media and technology are useful tools, too much screen time can hinder the ability of kids to think independently. Limit the time spent on screens and promote hands-on activities that promote critical thinking and creativity. -Develop curiosity by encouraging children to research issues that interest them and provide reasonably accurate answers to all of their questions. -Establish an atmosphere that is accepting and judgment-free so that kids can freely express their ideas. Promote conversations about a range of subjects. -Offer kids the ability to evaluate and critically analyze material from the media. Instruct them to assess their sources and dist